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Android 12 review: Living in a Material (You) world

Android 12 review: Living in a Material (You) world

Android 12 review: Living in a Material (You) world

Branching Android. There are so many versions around: from Android Stock to Google’s Pixel edition google yourself to Overlay One UI 4 Samsung, there is enough variant to defeat the time (Loki, anyone?) That means writing a review of Android 12 is a complicated task . With so many special tweaks and devices, it might be difficult to distinguish Android core features of the window dressing.

Android land is a mess, but we will guard this review about Android 12 simple. If you want the idea of ​​features only pixels, go to our Pixel 6 Pro reviews where I discuss things like impressions and magic eraser. Features such as video net HDR and white balance control are also exclusive for pixels, although it does not mean they will not slide more.

Your material everywhere

Functionally, it means that nothing is clearly different for those who enhance other devices to Android 12. The biggest change will be the new material you design, and how much to make your way to your handset will depend on your cellphone maker.

In one UI 4, for example, you will get something similar to your material through the Samsung “all new color hosts,” which like the Google version will apply to menus, buttons, and icons. But this is not automatically generated by the phone based on your wallpaper, and has a different Samsung-Y cartoon style that will be found by Galaxy users. One UI 4 and Android 12 both also offer new widgets that look much better and offer more adjustment options than before.

So Android 12 is a good visual change, but it surpasses aesthetics and affects how you interact with the system. Sliders and buttons are bigger than before, some people may find ugly compared to cleaners, thinner choices from the past Android.

After living with this new style for several months, I was used to extra chonky navigation elements. In fact, in some applications, such as hours, bigger targets are easier to see, and I can hit a delay slider easier than the bed. They even look enough thanks to your material, which beautifully instills everything from shade settings to the keyboard and nodads. I also like that new lock screen clock takes over the whole view when you don’t have a notification.

There are many small things that Google added throughout Android 12, such as new animations throughout the interface and updated boundaries to pray dialogue. It is a small box that appears at the bottom of the screen when you copy the text to your clipboard, for example. I will focus on only a few clearer changes, starting with a quick setting panel and shade notification.

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