The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum will close for at least six months in 2022

The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum will close for at least six months in 2022
The Smithsonian air and outer space museum has not been open since the pandemic starts, but is ready to close the doors again – if for more positive reasons. The Washington Post reports that the Smithsonian closed the mainstay national mall building for at least six months renovation starting March 28, 2022. This step will retain “continued safety” visitors while the museum is finished in the first Western wing gallery.
Closure is part of the first phase of a seven-year renovation that is ready to cost more than $ 1 billion. Smithsonian was a surprising cover to keep at least some of the physical museum spaces open during that period, including Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia (which would remain open). Some of the collection sections have been transferred to other relevant museums meanwhile, such as the History and American History Museum, Natural History Museum and American Indian Museum.
Wait can be useful. Eight Western wing exhibitions must be launched when the main museum reopens, including “one world connected” (shown above) and touching space on Wright Brothers, planetary and month exploration.
Some parts of the renovation are still far from solving. The museum will start “deinstallation” from the eastern wing in March and will not complete the increase until 2025. However if you can live with limitations, the air and space museums may soon be more relevant and involved than on the Internet past – even if You have visited relatively recently.