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Spotify’s simplified Car View mode is being ‘retired’

Spotify's simplified Car View mode is being 'retired'

Spotify's simplified Car View mode is being 'retired'

When Spotify announced a car display mode stripped in 2019, it looks like a smart way to prevent the driver to be disturbed on the road. Every time you connect to your car via Bluetooth, it will remove foreign elements such as the menu button and album art. Instead, it gives you a big button to pause and play music; Jump to the previous or next track; or like a particular song. Good! But hope you are not too attached, because Spotify has confirmed that the “retirement” feature, according to the recent support (via Android Police).

A Spotify Moderator, who replies to users who pay attention to the feature has disappeared from its Android application, noting that Spotify “actively explore new ways to provide the best car listening experience.” They added that removing the car view needed to “make a way for new innovations.” It is quite reasonable, even though it doesn’t forgive throwing away the safety features that are really useful without a clear substitute.

Moderator suggests using Google Assistant (or Siri on iOS) to control the Hands-Free Spotify, something that will also function when navigating with Google or Apple Maps. And, to be fair, that’s how many people (including myself) finally controlled the song on the road.

It could be that Spotify doesn’t prioritize the appearance of the car just because there are so many other ways to handle music playback in the car. If you have a modern car with car or Android support, you will only interact with your in-dash display and will never see the appearance of the car in the action. Many vehicles made in the past decade also have a kind of media control on their steering wheels.

Of course, there are more evil goals, because some Spotify users are mentioned in the forum utas. It could be that the company tried to encourage people towards the car, a $ 80 screen accessory. We found it to be an upgrade that was useful for older cars, but also seemed excessive when you could install cellphones and control Spotify directly. However, without car display modes, the strange gadget suddenly seems more useful. However, in cases like this, the simplest explanation usually comes to companies that realize certain features is not widely used.

We have reached for Spotify for a complete explanation about retiring car display, and will update when we heard back.

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