Halo Infinite multiplayer progression changes now ‘top priority’

Halo Infinite multiplayer progression changes now ‘top priority’
So far, it seems that reception for multiplayer Halo Infinite has been good when it comes to actual gameplay and varies when it comes to everything. One hot button topic for players seems to be a battle development, with a number of players complaining that it took too long to rise the Battle Pass Halo Infinite level and opened a new cosmetics. While 343 industries have tweaked the development system once, it looks like the work will soon be started at a more dramatic overhaul.
Change of progress for infinite hello
When a weekend vacation was wrapped, 343 Jerry Hook’s design head industry was brought to Twitter first to recommend that management and survival fans examine Len Island, noted that he had played games. Then, who seemed to anticipate Droves from unlimited players Hello flocked to his tweets to ask him why he played another person’s game instead of handling hello complaints, the hook also flew the follow-up you saw below:
“Yes, I still play Hello and feel the pain of everyone on developments,” Hook added. “We returned there next week and this would be above my list with a team.” While we know that developments are the main concern for 343 industries, confirm hooks that it will be the top of the list of tasks it might relieve some concerns between the player’s base that it won’t happen in the end.
What needs to be changed about the development of Hello Infinite?
In the first show we posted about Multiplayer Hello Infinite, we found that gameplay at the time but leveling through the battle pass was not visited. This is largely caused by how to pass the battle XP obtained. While games like Hello: The collection of master chairmen gives players the XP pass battle to just play matches, there is no mechanical like that in Halo Infinite.
Instead, Halo Infinite players get all the XP of their battle by completing the challenge, which some people argue can ask teammates to ignore the goals and pursue challenges when they play matches. Outside of the problem, there is a simple fact that sometimes you don’t complete the challenge when you play the game, which means you don’t get the XP battle pass, and it doesn’t feel very good.
343 Fixed the last problem by adding the “Play 1 match” challenge that can be resolved over and over 50 XP, but to hear the hook explain the priority now that Thanksgiving is over, there seems to be a more significant change on the road for Halo Infinite. We are not sure what these changes are – while we hope to see changes in the development of the battle pass, we can also see some changes to the Battle Pass Rewards track, which has become the subject of several complaints as well.
Before the extended Thanksgiving weekend, the Director of the Halo Community Brian Jarrard said that feedback on the development system was “heard hard and clearly,” further shows that 343 is considering change. If 343 the industry jumps back into thickness and hammering some changes in development, then we must immediately know their plan. We will notify you when 343 specific details, so stay here.