Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey just resigned

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey just resigned
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has resigned, with the co-founder to give up control on social networks to parag agrawal. Decision – View Dorsey Buck Trends Company “LED Founder” – will also include leaving the Twitter board, when the role of social media in politics and more broadly crossing everyday life under a microscope.
Dorsey co-fieled Twitter almost 16 years ago, and has that period is executive chairs, executive seats, and CEOs at various stages. To this day, parag agrawal – until now the head of the company’s Chief (CTO) technology – will assume the executive role.
“There is a lot of talk about the importance of a company that” led founder, “wrote Dorsey in an email to his team, and was also published on his own Twitter account.” In the end I believe it limits and one point of failure. I have worked hard to make sure this company can break away from the founder and founder. “
Agrawal has become “my choice for some time” for the new CEO, written Dorsey. Existing Twitter Board members, Bret Taylor, meanwhile, will now take over as a board seat. Dorsey will continue to serve his term of office on the board until May 2022, helping the transition, and then leave it too.
“I believe it is very important to give parag space he needs to lead,” Dorsey explained. “And back to my previous points, I believe this is critical, the company can stand alone, free from the influence or direction of the founder.”
As for agrawal, he also tweeted out his e-mail to the Twitter team (including, both accidentally or intentionally, his email address in the company) recognized a new role. Hired on Twitter for 10 years, initially as an engineer, he touched the challenge faced by the current company.
“The world is watching us now, even more than before,” New Twitter CEO explained. “Many people will have a lot of different views and opinions about the news today. That’s because they care about our Twitter and our future, and it is a signal that the work we do here is important.”
Twitter’s role – like Facebook – In today’s political and social climate has been proven to be controversial. The outbreak of “fake news” during elections in the US and internationally over the past few years has been interspersed with diverse Twitter used as a funnel, amplifier, and the wrong source of direction. Fake accounts, bots, and foreign manipulation are also commonplace, in many cases trying to continue the division between political groups.
At the same time, Twitter’s responsibility for its users has also proven broken. The decision of social networking to block – temporarily or permanent – high profile people, including former US President Donald Trump, met with protests from both sides of political aisles. Calls, in many cases from them with more volumes than technology understanding, for service settings such as Twitter has also got some traction.
This is a challenge that will be faced by agrawal on the first day of his new role, along with struggling to carve financial stability and service growth for Twitter in the long run.